Continuing in the jungle of bureaucracy

This is (again) an update on where I stand with all the paperwork here on the other side of the pond. (Last update was from 3 years ago.) There has been less paperwork, but even more waiting. And yes, patience is still not my strongest virtue, as we all probably (still) know, lol, but right now the waiting is not that bad since I get to work and travel outside the US.

I have received my SSN and my belongings from Finland back in 2016. I have also already had two jobs (still working for the second employer).

Visa and Green Card – in process (still)

I got my green card back in December of 2016!

Two years later it was time for me to apply for the removal on the condition on my green card, meaning, that we needed to send an application and evidence that our marriage is of “good faith” (that’s really how they word it in the application process). Meaning, that I moved to the US because of my husband and not the states (well, obviously). So off went the application with attachments consisting of the house deed, bank account statements, insurance papers (house, car, health), car payments, credit cards and not to forget the birth certificate of the little one (should be evidence enough that small piece of paper right there, huh!?). We also had some family and friends write affidavits, which are letters where they tell our story from their perspective (thank you!).

The application was sent almost a year ago. I did receive an 18 month extension on my current green card in February (that is 18 month starting from when my green card expired, which was in October, so my current visa expires in May 2020). The 18 month extension is due to the estimate amount of process time that is required for my type of visa. 18 months, oh boy.

Summer in Finland

I have been able to visit Finland during the past 3 summers, which is awesome. The Finnish summers are so special and I prefer the climate over there compared to the burning fires of hell that we’re experiencing right now ( day temperatures up to +42°C!!). We did have a small thunderstorm pass by the other day, that cooled down the day temperature to +38 (So cool and refreshing. Or not). I will be posting separate post on the Finnish summers later, I do have a lot to share about them.

That’s where I’m at right now. Hoping for my visa to be processed swiftly. People keep on asking me when I’ll become, or am I already, American (as in citizen), no, I’m not, can’t be until I have a permanent permanent residence status. And then we’ll see about that. At least I would get to vote, if it would make any difference…

Anyway, over and out for tonight! Have a good weekend everyone!


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