Texas sunsets

One thing that I love about Texas, are the stunning sunsets it provides. We are lucky that the sunset is most of the year visible in our backyard (some weeks the neighbors house is in the way, dang neighbors, j/k). During the past years I have managed to catch a few of those beautiful moments. Capturing them is not always easy, since the sun sets fast here (you can ask my mom, if you don’t believe me). Below are a few pictures.

To the left on the horizon you can make out a known landmark in the area, called the sleeping lady. Or maybe you can’t. I can, but I also know what to look for. Maybe it’s easier to distinguish in this picture:

Anyway, moving on. This one is from the gym, where Hector teaches tumbling and martial arts.

And so is this one:

We’re not often out by the lake during sunsets, but we happened to pass once. Oh, and it was that time when my friend came down for new year and it ended up being colder here, lol. Well, we did have sunshine at some point!

Then to our backyard. The following pictures are all from different occasions.

As you can tell, we have our very own Corcovado in the backyard!

Sometimes Corcovado is inhabited. 😉

These pictures have all been taken during the “winter months “, December-March. Now that happens to be some of the better months to visit, for Finns at least, so if you’re planning a trip, you might get a chance to enjoy some of these beautiful sunsets!

Have a good one everyone!


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