Oh boy, life is great!!

Courtesy post for Oliver:

WOW! Life is amazing! My name is Oliver and I’ve been with the Cruz family for almost two weeks now, and it’s been the best two weeks of my life! It feels like forever!!!

This is me, Oliver, coming home from the shelter. My new mommy gave me a bathe and gave me a brand new blanket to sleep on. It even matches me, look, look, I’m almost invisible – tadaa!!!

Oh boy, I’ve done so many things! We’ve gone on long walks with mommy and daddy. Mommy got me a harness because she seems to have issues keeping up with me. She keeps on telling daddy that I pull, but I just think her tempo is slow,  bol (barks-out-loud). Well, anyhow, we’re practicing together and she keeps on telling me that ‘I’m a good boy’, so I guess I’m doing a good job. As long as mommy is happy, I’m happy!!

I’ve also been running with them. Maaan that’s nice! And maaan they’re slow, bol! I could outrun them any day! But the important thing is we’re doing it together. It’s so nice to feel the wind in my face after all those months at the shelter – to run free, to sniff around – to pee in nature. Yeah, oh boy, that’s freedom!! And I’ve done a good job marking my neighborhood. Mommy keeps on telling me that my messages to the misses is all in wain, I think she uses the word ‘eunuch ‘, but she ain’t seen me with the misses yet!! I’m a gentleman, bol!!

Here we go on our first run together! Oh boy, that was fun! Mommy said she’s getting me a running leash, so we both can run freely. Can’t wait for that!!


This was me amd mommy today, told you she’s slow!! But don’t worry, I’ll get her in running shape! And mabe we’ll do a 5K run together soon!!

If I would start online dating, these would probably be my profile pictures. Mommy says the misses would be disappointed with me and that I’m better off here at home. Can’t understand what she’s talking about. 

Part from walking, running and eating good – mommy even gave me chicken!! Oh, and I found some extra chicken in the trashcan the other day! Can you believe that!? I don’t know what mommy was thinking throwing those bones away, but I sure did a good job chopping them down while she was gone and big sis was napping on the couch. I don’t really understand why mommy freaked out when she came home, she wasn’t mad, but she kept on telling me she hoped I wouldn’t die. C’mon it was chicken. Chicken. I love chicken. Juicy chicken…

Anyway, I also get a treat every evening. Mommy hides it behind the couch and I have to find it. Maaan, it’s hard to wait for her to hide it, most of the times I won’t. It’s my biscuit anyway. But then we have to start all over, so I guess we’re doing better now. I won’t get it until I wait, and it’s so so so hard, but in the end it’s so worth the wait! I love those biscuits….yummy, biscuits. I could eat the whole package!!

Oh, oh, oh, did I tell you I got to spend Christmas with my family??? And mommy wasn’t wrong, I have been a good boy, because I got several Christmas gifts!! I got a bone, which I’ve almost chopped down already, some biscuits, pork ears (which are so delicious!!) and a new toy!! It’s an orange lion that squeaks!! I love it. -squeeeeak-


Me on Christmas.

And did I mention that I had my own stocking?? Wow, I’ve been a good boy! It had some nice treats in it.


My stocking!!!


And, and, I even helped mommy wrap some gifts! (I was a bit afraid that those wrapping papers would attack me, I’ll explain later why. Luckily they didn’t!!)

And I went to a Christmas party at a friends house. Those people were so nice! It was my 2nd day with the family and I got to go to a party. Now that’s life! All those people! So many butts to sniff! And so much scratching that I got!! And everyone was so impressed by me! Maaan, I was a good boy!! I can’t wait for next year!!!

Me at the Christmas party! Oh boy, did I good!!

I’ve also met the whole family. The nieces and nephew are all so great! I love them!!! They scratch me and play with me and in return I give them as many kisses that I can! I keep on hearing that my breath stinks like a dog, but hey, I am a dog. Do you know what your butts smell like? I do, because I’ve been smelling ya’ll. Yes, yes, I know, I smell too many butts. Mommy keeps on telling me that humans don’t like that, but how do you get to know someone if you don’t smell their butt?? I’m only saying ‘hello’. Nah, they’ll get used to it.

What else can I tell you about my amazing life?? A lot of my time I spend napping, either inside on my blanket or out in the sun on the porch. And don’t get me wrong, I look after the house! I tell mommy and daddy immediately if there’s anything suspicious going on, like the neighbors kids driving around in their toycar. Now that is scary!! Daddy says I have a manly bark. I’m so happy when he’s proud of me!! He’s the leader, you know.

Napping is sooooo good! I’m really good at it too!!


This is how I roll’ !! Mommy calls me the yoga master. She thinks I’m too flexible. My neck is just fine. Doesn’t everybody sleep like this??

Oh boy, oh boy, my life is awesome, did I already say that? Can’t wait for the new year and new things!! Although I’m not really sure about those fireworks I keep hearing about, they might scare me. I don’t really like sounds like that. And I don’t like sticks. Sticks scare me. Mommy is doing a good job getting me used to sticks and showing me they’re not going to hurt me, but they still scare me. I don’t remember well, but I know sticks has not been good in the past. But apparently sticks are not bad in this house, I just have to get used to mopping, wrapping paper rolls and such things.

Heyyy, let’s not get too sad here – life’s too short (mine is even shorter than yours btw, bol)! I’m going to go out in the backyard now and bark at the neighbors dog – we still haven’t sorted out whose the king on the block. I mean, we all know it’s me, he just doesn’t seem to get it!

Have a happy new year everyone! Stay safe and please make sure you keep us inside during new year – a lot of us dogs are scared of all the noise from the fireworks!


P.S. Thanks to mommy for helping me type all of this. There would have been so many spelling errors without her. And she said I’m too young to have my own blog, so I guess I have to use hers.

P.S. II Did you know chicken is good? I love it!!!

P.S. III Oh, I saw a squirrel the other day. Point!!

P.S. IV Did I already say life’s amazing? 🙂

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