Midsummer Night’s Dream

Today is a big celebration in Finland and in other Scandinavian countries – Midsummer. This is a holiday that is celebrated around Summer Solstices, which this year was the 21st of June, i.e. on Tuesday. This means that the day is the longest of all the day’s of the year. In Lapland (northern Finland), the sun does not set at all. It will actually set the next time in July (read more about Summer Solstice in my other blog post here).

SP 20150614_005644This picture is taken last year in Sondby, a couple of weeks before Midsummer, at around 1.00 am.

SP_20150614_030546This picture is taken last year at my Summer house, a couple of weeks before Midsummer, at around midnight.

So, the thing is, it’s almost daylight throughout the night. Midsummer is celebrated among family and/or friends. People go out to their summer houses. There are approximately 500.000 summer houses in Finland. That means that with a population of roughly 5.500.000, more or less every other family has a summer house.

So what do you do on Midsummer?

The new potatoes, fresh from the ground, are just the best potatoes on this planet! They are so sweet and delicious. A lot of different fish is severed with the boiled potatoes; herrings, salmon, whitefish etc. Barbecue and salads also make up the Midsummer table. As for drinks; beer, cider, wine and of course – snaps! Water and other non-alcoholic beverages are naturally permitted. As decoration you usually use wildflowers.


Go to sauna

Yes, as written before, the sauna culture is strong in Finland. There are between 2 and 3 million saunas in Finland, so that means that roughly every other Finn has a sauna. In some families you go to sauna during the day, before you eat and in others you end the evening with sauna. And yes, spanking with the birch branches is a must, lol.


Light a bonfire

A very common tradition is to light a bonfire. The idea is to keep bad spirits away. It was believed that the spirits become restless during both Winter and Summer Solstice. Therefore the bonfires. This is a great opportunity to get rid of branches and old wooden stuff at your summer house!


Pick wildflowers

Midsummer night is, needless to say, magical! It is said, according to old traditions, that unmarried women, who pick seven different wildflowers and place them under their pillow, will dream of their future husband. I can’t say that that happened to me – on the other hand I never picked nor placed any flowers underneath my pillow, lol. I just went to Japan. 😉


Midsummer statistics

Unfortunately a lot of people get drunk and drown. There’s nothing wrong in getting drunk, but the problem arises when people go boating, fishing or swimming while their drunk. The amount of people that drown depends roughly on the weather – the colder it is, the fewer drown. Well usually.


Missing Midsummer

Apart from the drownings, Midsummer is a very nice holiday. Before I moved down to Texas, I was told by several people, that the times that will be the hardest living abroad, are the holidays. The holidays, that you are used to spend according to your culture and customs, in your own country. And what can I say? True, true and true. I really miss Finland, especially the summer and the celebrations.

I want to wish all of my family and friends a lovely Midsummer! Enjoy the food and drinks, the sauna, the bonfires – all of it! And please, don’t drink too much. And when you do (because I know you will, lol) – make sure you have a friend who hides your car keys and makes sure you don’t end up in the Midsummer statistics!!!


Have a good one!




Saturday WaveRunner Fun

On Saturday we took the WaveRunner out for the first time this year. We go out to Lake Amistad,  which is a reservoir, that was built in 1969.





The WaveRunner we have is a 3-seated model, which suits our family perfect.



The top speed is 70 mph, but due to the wind and waves we kept the pace down to 20-30 mph.







It’s fun to take it out on your own, because it goes way faster (obviously) and you can do tricks, or at least try, lol! Still practicing!!



P.S. The mango sorbet turned out really good, so there was no need to turn it into a Saturday-afternoon-cocktail. “No need!?” – I know, I know, there’s no such thing as “no need for a cocktail”, right?? 😄😃😂

Banana Pancakes

This is something to spice up your weekend breakfast with. I’ve seen banana pancakes on internet for some years, but it wasn’t until one year ago, that I tasted these at my friends house. Thank you Lidia and Emil – the pancakes were so delicious, that I’ve been making them ever since. The ingredients are really simple, all you need are bananas, eggs and chia seeds.




The recipe is really easy. To be honest I don’t remember the measurements my friends used, so I just tried something and it has turned out good. For every banana I add one egg and some chia seeds. So for four people I mixed:

3 bananas, mashed with a fork
3 eggs
3 small teaspoons of chia seeds

For baking I used real Irish butter that I found in Walmart. It was the only one that was 100% butter and the least gmo!


The pancake pan I got on Amazon, since I couldn’t find one either in HEB nor in Walmart. Since these are wheat free, they are a bit softer, so be gentle when you turn them!



As toping I often do caramelized apples with cinnamon. For a less sugary option, go with fresh fruits and berries.

I added some butter in a pan, tossed the apples in and after a while I added some sugar (non-gmo needless to say). After a couple of minutes I added some cinnamon, to give the apples a broader range of taste.



I usually cook the apples so that they are al dente, i.e. they are a soft on the outside, but still have that resistance on the inside when you bite into them.

When the apples were done, I poured the apples with all the cinnamon-sugar caramel on top of the pancakes.


If you want, you can use a bit of blueberries or raspberries for decoration (and taste obviously), but I skipped out on that part today. 😄


This is a delicious, gluten-free option, to spice up your weekend breakfast.



Mango Sorbet

Apart from the figs, the mangos are also ripe at the moment. I had decided that if the mangos would be cheap at some point, I would go for a mango sorbet. On Wednesday the ataulfo mangos were 6 for $1.00 in HEB. The limit was 18 mangos per customer, lol. Guess who went for it and bought 18 mangos, huh!? 😄


The recipe I used, can be found here. I again went with organic, non-gmo sugar.



I followed the recipes measurments, more or less. I used half lime juice and half lemon juice. The grated lime zest I forgot, so that is not in the sorbet, lol. I added some more lemon juice in the end, because I didn’t want it to be too sweet. At the end I also added some salt, which I saw in another recipe – to give it a bit of character. 



10 ataulfo mangos
1 1/2 cups of organic non-gmo sugar
1 1/2 cups of water
1/2 cup of lemon juice
1/2 cup of lime juice
a pinch of salt

I ran all that smooth in a blender and poured it into a freezer safe bowl with a lid. The volume of the bowl was 1.7 l or 2 qt (whatever that is 😄), so that should be enough sorbet for four people.



For the first 4 hours I mixed the sorbet every 30-40 minutes with an electrical handmixer, so that it would not turn out into one big mango ice cube. After that I let it freeze over night. 


In worst case scenario it would anyway turn out in one big mango ice cube, but I already had a solution for that: let it melt, add some tequila or rum, and voila – I have the perfect summer cocktail for Saturday, when we go to the lake! So it can’t really turn out that bad, can it!?


Luckily for me, it turned out good! This is really a fresh, not too sweet, dessert – perfect for a warm summer’s day! And it wasn’t hard to make, just takes some time. I recommend it!

Have a nice weekend everyone!


Fig Jam !!



I’m lucky to live in a house with a fig tree in the back. The tree is producing so much fruit, that I decided to make some jam. Or at least try. Well, not try, I’m a perfectionist, so it better turn out the way I want it to, lol!!


I used a recipe I found online. The recipe can be found here:


I cut the figs in pieces. Looks like I had a total of 8 pounds of figs, that’s 4 times recipe,  lol. I decided to just do half the amount today (4 pounds) – in case it would go down the drain…lol.



I used organic raw sugar, because I wanted it to be as healthy as possible. If adding 3 cups of sugar can be healthy, lol! Well I read yesterday that figs supposedly lower blood sugar level, so that would mean that the fig jam has a neutral effect on blood sugar level, right!? J/K

Anyway, I started cooking the figs with sugar and added 1 cup of water and 1/2 cup of lemon juice after 15 min. After 20 min, when supposedly it should have been done according to the recipe, I got a hint of doubt that this wasn’t going to turn out good – the jam was too watery. But then I reminded myself that the apple jams I’ve made in the past took over 1 hour and up to 2 hours to cook, so I decided to have some patience. (Patience, me? Yes!! Wow, huh!?)




After an hour of cooking in total,  the jam started darkening. I mashed the figs a bit with a potato masher to make it a bit more even. I left some chunks here and there for texture.


The mixture cooked for a total of 1,5 hours. By the end of the cooking process, I sterilized the clean glass jars and lids by boiling them.



Then I filled the sterilized jars with jam. In total I got five jars filled. After that I boiled the jars for 15 min, to sterilize the lids and to get any additional air out of the jars. This was my first time doing that, and luckily it all went well. (Read: nothing exploded, lol.)



I found some help on these two sites, on how to prepare the jars and the sterilization process.

How To Make Pectin-Free Jam: Ditch The Box and Increase The Creativity In Your Preserves


All in all, the jam turned out good! I have to say I probably got the best possible rating on the jam from my “test bunny”. That’s what we say in Finland “koekaniini, provkanin” – test bunny. Here you say test dummy, which sounds kind of offensive in a way…
Anyway, my mother-in-law said not only did she survive it, but that she liked it and I can make more. 😄 So I’ll take that as an A, lol. Or ten points and a parrots mark (Finnish: kymmenen pistetta ja papukaijamerkki).

And after the whole process, ending up with “only” 5 jars of jam (you always end up with less than the amount of fruit you start out), my stepdaughter said that I have to have a lot of patience, since that’s all that came out after all that time. PATIENCE ! You hear that! ME!! Wow! 😀😂 I want that in writing!! lol


This jam on goldbrown toasted bread, with real butter underneath – Mmmm, delicious! 😋

What can I say, today was a good day! And looks like that fig tree in the back isn’t going to stop producing figs any day soon, so I guess I’ll be doing more of that lovely jam!


The Housewife 😉

Keep Austin Weird


Congress Avenue


The city of Austin is the capital of the state of Texas. It’s the 11th largest city in the states with a population of approximately 910.000. The whole metropolitan area has a population of 2 million.

Austin is an odd pearl in Texas, because it is so different from the rest of the state. And, it is very liberal, lol. And that is odd for being Texas!! The city has a European touch to it, which I personally liked a lot. In the downtown area you have a lot of sidewalks with nice coffee shops, restaurants and bars. The architecture is very diverse, reanging from old buildings to skyscrapers.








The Texas Capitol is the seat of the government in Texas. The Capitol is a beautiful building from late 19th century. The constructions of the current building began in 1882 and was completed in 1888. The architect behind it was Elijah E. Myers. It is the fourth building in Austin to serve as the Capitol.

The Capitol contains the offices and chambers of the Texas Legislature and the Office of the Governor. Apart from the legislature work, the building contains quite a big amount of art, both statues and paintings.







Proof that I actually visited the Capitol, lol.






The Capitol is located at the end of Congress Avenue.


The nightlife in Downtown Austin is mainly located to the 5th and 6th street. The streets are closed from traffic in the night and people are partying in the bars and in the streets. This is definitely something to see when coming to Austin.



Music and Film industry

Austin is famous for it’s music and film industry. The city hosts several film festivals and a huge amount of music is produced here. The city’s slogan is The Live Music Capital of the World, due to all the live music venues.





Street Art in Austin




Coffe and cake

We found a nice place for coffee and cake, called 1886 Cafe and Bakery. It’s located in the corner of the 6th street and Brazos. They actually had good coffee here, lol! Needless to say their coffee machine was from Italy and they had their own roasted coffee beans. 🙂




Chocolate cake with golden leaf. We’ll be s****ing gold tomorrow, lol.


I can highly recommend a visit to Austin when visiting Texas. It is very different from the rest of the state. To fully understand the difference, you will need to experience it for yourself!

*Keep Austin Weird*


Have a nice week everyone!




More on the subject:




